Pink – Today’s The day
Simple English
Verse 1:
I have been alone a lot in my room at home. I feel bored. I don’t like what I see. Everything feels the same. This place makes me sad.
Pre-Chorus 1:
You can watch me. You can take me with you. I can follow you. We can go together.
Today is the day I have waited for. Tomorrow will not come. Yesterday is far away. Today is the only day. Please stop the clock. I don’t want this day to end. I don’t want to go home.
Verse 2:
I wanted to grow up because I thought I would be free. Now I know that is not for me. My dreams can still happen.
Pre-Chorus 2:
I get angry when I am not happy. I need a friend. There is a lot to deal with. These days are scary. I want the fun to keep going.
Today is the day I have waited for. Tomorrow will not come. Yesterday is far away. Today is the only day. Please stop the clock. I don’t want this day to end. I don’t want to go home.
I say today is my day. I say things will be good today.
Today is the day I have waited for. Tomorrow will not come. Yesterday is far away. Today is the only day. Please stop the clock. I don’t want this day to end. I don’t want to go home.
I say today is my day. I say things will be good today.
- Where does the person spend a lot of time alone?×この人は一人で多くの時間をどこで過ごしていますか?
- How does the person feel about everything they see?×この人は自分が見ているものすべてについて、どのように感じていますか?
- What did the person used to want to do?×この人は以前、何をしたいと思っていましたか?
- What does the person need when they are not happy?×この人は幸せでないときに、何が必要だと言っていますか?
- What does the person say about today?×この人は「今日」について何と言っていますか?
- Why does the person feel bored?×なぜこの人は退屈を感じているのですか?
- What does the person want when they say “stop the clock”?×この人が「時計を止めて」と言っているのは、どういう意味ですか?
- Why does the person not want to go home?×なぜこの人は家に帰りたくないのですか?
- What does the person think about growing up now?×この人は今、大人になることについてどう考えていますか?
- What does the person mean by “today is my day”?×この人が「今日は私の日だ」と言っているのは、どういう意味ですか?
- How would you feel if you had a day like the person in the song?×歌の中の人のような一日を過ごしたら、どのように感じるでしょうか?
- What can you do to make a day feel special like the person in the song wants?×歌の中の人のように、特別な一日を過ごすためには、何ができますか?
- How do you think the person can stop feeling bored?×この人はどのようにすれば退屈な気分をなくせると思いますか?
- How can having a friend help when days are scary?×怖い日々に、友達がいるとどのように助けになるでしょうか?
- What can you do to make sure today is a good day for you?×今日が良い日になるようにするには、何ができますか?
- What are the differences between how the person felt before and how they feel now?×この人の以前の気持ちと今の気持ちにはどのような違いがありますか?
- Why do you think the person is scared about these days?×なぜこの人は最近怖いと感じていると思いますか?
- What are some reasons the person might not like going home?×この人が家に帰りたくない理由は何でしょうか?
- How does the person’s view on dreams change in the song?×歌の中で、この人の夢に対する見方はどのように変化しますか?
- How does saying “today is my day” change the person’s feelings?×「今日は私の日だ」と言うことで、この人の気持ちはどのように変化しますか?
- Do you think the person will have a good day? Why or why not?×この人は良い一日を過ごせると思いますか?なぜそう思いますか、またはなぜそう思いませんか?
- Is it important to live in the present like the person wants? Why?×この人のように「今」を生きることが大切だと思いますか?なぜですか?
- Do you agree with the person that growing up is not for them? Why or why not?×大人になることは自分には向いていないというこの人の意見に賛成ですか?なぜそう思いますか、またはなぜそう思いませんか?
- How realistic is it to want to stop time like the person does?×この人のように時間を止めたいと思うのは、どれくらい現実的だと思いますか?
- Do you think the person will find a friend to help them? Why or why not?×この人は助けとなる友達を見つけられると思いますか?なぜそう思いますか、またはなぜそう思いませんか?
- Create a plan for a perfect day like the person in the song wants.×歌の中の人のように、完璧な一日の計画を立ててください。
- Write a short story about someone who also wants to make today special.×今日を特別な日にしたいと思っている人についての短編小説を書いてください。
- Draw a picture of what a fun and happy day looks like for you.×あなたにとって楽しくて幸せな一日がどのようなものか、絵を描いてください。
- Imagine a friend helps the person in the song. What do they do together?×歌の中の人の友達がその人を助けてくれると想像してみてください。二人は一緒に何をするでしょうか?
- Make a list of things you can do to make today feel like “your day”.×今日を「自分の日」だと感じさせるためにできることをリストアップしてください。