Alex Blue
“Alex G” is “Alex Blue” now.
Alex Blue is an American singer-songwriter newly based in Western Michigan. Her songs invite her listeners into her story and give glimpses into her life as an artist, as a mother and a wife, and as a bisexual Hispanic Jew who has truly embraced her identity.
Alex began her career by posting×「post」はインターネット上で情報を「投稿する」ことを指します。特にYouTubeやSNSに自分のコンテンツをアップロードする際に使われる表現です。 simple covers to YouTube. Formerly known as Alex G, at one point Alex had the fastest growing music channel on the global video streaming site. As Alex G, she released a full-length×「full-length」は完全な長さという意味で、音楽の文脈では全曲収録のアルバムを指します。EP(イーピー、Extended Play)よりも曲数が多いのが特徴です。 pop album and several EPs, went on multiple international tours, released nearly 200 songs, and worked with massive×「massive」は「とても大きい、巨大な」という意味です。ここでは企業の規模や影響力の大きさを強調したものと言えます。 brands on campaigns about everything from beauty to human rights.
But as her career progressed, Alex found herself burnt out on the instant but short-lived gratification×「Instant gratification」とは、すぐに満足感や喜びを得られることを指しますが、それが長続きしないことが多いです。特に現代では、SNSやインターネットの影響でこのような欲求が強くなることがあります。 of a covers-based career on YouTube, and its constant demands on her time, attention, and artistry.
“I was so many things for so many people,” she says, “but I didn’t know who I was for myself.” This realization was the catalyst×「catalyst」は化学反応を早める触媒を指しますが、比喩的に「変化を促すきっかけや要因」という意味でよく使われます。 that led her to step outside of the mold×この場合の「mold」は「型」や「型枠」を意味し、型にはまった状態や既定路線を指すメタファーとして使われます。 she’d used to build a successful career and to find an artist identity of her own.
For a couple years, Alex put the best of her energy into recalibrating×「recalibrating」は「再調整する」を意味し、ここでは自分自身を見つめ直し、心身を新たにするプロセスを指していると考えられます。—connecting to her roots and rediscovering herself both personally and musically. Then, in 2020, she relaunched her career under her married name, Alex Blue. Since then, she’s released two singles, collaborated on a new EP with artists she’s admired for years, has been hired as a songwriter, and played a supporting role in the first-ever Broadway scale×「Broadway scale」はブロードウェイに匹敵する規模、つまり非常に大規模なことを意味します。特に「musical podcast」との組み合わせで、演劇的かつ大掛かりなプロジェクトを示しています。 musical podcast, Little Did I Know. Her next projects include several more singles and, soon, another full-length album.
Alex was married to her wife Torri in October of 2018, and they welcomed their first baby in December×この「December」は「12月」を指しますが、月名や曜日の前には通常は前置詞「in」が必要です。 2020. They currently live with their son, Auden, and their two dogs in a home with an overgrown backyard and lots and lots of cardinals, bumblebees, and fireflies.