Cover art for "Covers Collection 2012" by Alex G, featuring a young woman looking upwards with a soft pink hue and a blurred background of a shoreline.

Alex Blue


Hey everyone, welcome to another Deep Dive×「Deep Dive」は直訳すると「深く潜ること」ですが、ここでは「あるトピックについて詳しく掘り下げて学ぶこと」という意味です。ビジネスやアカデミックな場面でよく使われ、「Let's do a deep dive into...」(〜について詳しく見ていきましょう)というフレーズでよく登場します。表面的な理解ではなく、本質的な理解を目指す際によく使われる表現です。. Today we’re going to learn about a really cool singer-songwriter. You ready for this?

Yeah, let’s do it.

Alright, so we’re talking about Alex G. Have you heard of her?

Alex G, yeah, she’s pretty awesome. She’s a singer, and she also writes her own songs and makes music. She shares it all on the internet.

Yeah, the internet is super important for her music. I think a lot of people know about her because of it. It’s really interesting; she first started sharing videos of herself just singing other people’s songs.

Right, right, and a ton of people watched those videos. Like×この「like」は文の意味に影響しない「フィラー」(会話の隙間を埋める言葉)として使われています。特に10代、20代の若いネイティブスピーカーの間で頻繁に使用され、時には使いすぎると指摘されることもある特徴的な話し方です。この文では「like」を削除しても意味は変わりません。日本語の「なんか」「みたいな」に似た使い方ですが、より幅広い場面で使われます。このフィラーとしての使用は、正式な場面では避けるべき特徴があります。, way more people than live in, I don’t know, Paris or something.

Whoa, seriously×「seriously」は、本来「真面目な」「真剣な」という意味ですが、ここでは「本当に」「マジで」という意味で、驚きや強調を表す副詞として使われています。, that’s a lot of people. I mean, I know she has tons of fans on websites like×「like」はここでは「例えば」という意味で使われており、具体例を挙げる場合に便利な表現です。日本語では「○○のような」に相当する表現です。 YouTube and Instagram.

Oh yeah, totally. Those are her followers, right? Alex G is what you’d call a social media influencer×「social media influencer」は、SNS上で多くのフォロワーを持ち、影響力のある人物を指します。製品やサービスのプロモーションに協力することも多く、マーケティング界では欠かせない存在となっています。日本語では「インフルエンサー」として知られています。.

Social media influencer?

Yeah, it just means someone who has a bunch of people following them online.

But you know, Alex G doesn’t just sing other people’s songs. She writes her own×この文では「songs」が省略されていますが、流れから「彼女が書くのは歌」という意味になります。このような省略は日常会話でよく見られ、contextにより原形が推測されることが多いです。 now too, right? Alex G shared her music online and found many fans. This shows that anyone can share their talents online.

She does. She actually works with other writers and singers now to make music. They all get together and make stuff.

That’s so awesome. I love that she collaborates×「collaborates」は「共同作業する」「協力する」という意味です。
She collaborates with her classmates on the project.(彼女はクラスメートとプロジェクトで共同作業をします。)
The two companies collaborated to develop a new product.(二つの会社は新製品の開発で協力しました。)
like that. And something else that’s really cool about Alex G is she’s part of the LGBTQ×「LGBTQ」とは、Lesbian、Gay、Bisexual、Transgender、Queerの頭文字を取ったもので、多様な性的指向および性自認を表す包括的な用語です。多様性と受容を広めるための重要な用語で、日本でも徐々に知られるようになっています。 community. Do you want to maybe explain what that means?

Sure, so LGBTQ stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer. These are all just words for the different ways that people love and feel.

Exactly, and Alex G is actually one of the most popular LGBTQ women on YouTube, which is amazing.

Yeah, she’s got a huge following.

So what do you think is the most interesting thing about Alex G’s story so far?

Well, I think it’s pretty cool how she used the internet to share her music with the world, you know?

Yeah, totally. It shows that anyone can share their talents online and maybe find an audience.

Definitely, and if you want to learn more about her and her music, you can always find her stuff online.

Yeah, go check her out. Maybe she’ll even inspire you to share your own music, who knows?

Yeah, you never know.

Alright, well that’s our deep dive×ここでの「deep dive」も最初に説明したのと同じく、あるトピックを深掘りすることを指します。繰り返し使われることで、強調されてそのトピックがどれほど詳細に取り扱われたかをアピールする効果があります。 on Alex G. Thanks for listening, everybody.

Simple English Summary

Let’s talk about a cool singer named Alex G. 

Alex G sings and writes her own songs. She also makes music and shares it online. 

Many people know about Alex G because of the internet. She first shared videos of herself singing other people’s songs. 

Lots of people watched her videos. She has many fans on websites like×「like」はここでは「例えば」という意味で使われており、具体例を挙げる場合に便利な表現です。日本語では「○○のような」に相当する表現です。 YouTube and Instagram. These fans are called followers. Alex G is a social media influencer×「social media influencer」は、SNS上で多くのフォロワーを持ち、影響力のある人物を指します。製品やサービスのプロモーションに協力することも多く、マーケティング界では欠かせない存在となっています。日本語では「インフルエンサー」として知られています。. This means many people follow her online.

Now, Alex G writes her own songs. She works with other writers and singers to make music together. This is called collaborating.

Alex G is also part of the LGBTQ×「LGBTQ」とは、Lesbian、Gay、Bisexual、Transgender、Queerの頭文字を取ったもので、多様な性的指向および性自認を表す包括的な用語です。多様性と受容を広めるための重要な用語で、日本でも徐々に知られるようになっています。 community. LGBTQ stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer. These are words for different ways people love and feel.

Alex G is one of the most popular LGBTQ women on YouTube. She has many followers.

Alex G shared her music online and found many fans. This shows that anyone can share their talents online.

If you want to learn more about Alex G and her music, you can find it online. Maybe she will inspire you to share your own music!



  1. What does Alex G do?
  2. Where did Alex G first share her videos?
  3. What are Alex G’s fans online called?
  4. What does LGBTQ stand for?
  5. Where can you find more information about Alex G?


  1. Why are many people familiar with Alex G?
  2. What is a social media influencer?
  3. What does it mean to collaborate?
  4. Why is Alex G considered an important person in the LGBTQ community?
  5. What does Alex G’s story teach us?


  1. If you wanted to become a singer like Alex G, what could you do?
  2. How can social media help people share their talents?
  3. Can you think of other examples of people collaborating to create something?
  4. How can we learn more about the LGBTQ community?
  5. How can we support people who share their talents online?


  1. How did the internet help Alex G become successful?
  2. What are the benefits and drawbacks of being a social media influencer?
  3. Why is collaboration important in music?
  4. Why is it important to have LGBTQ representation in media?
  5. What are some of the challenges that people face when sharing their work online?


  1. Do you think social media is a good way for musicians to share their music? Why or why not?
  2. Is it important for singers to write their own songs? Why or why not?
  3. Do you think it’s important for people to be open about their identity, like Alex G is? Why or why not?
  4. What impact do you think Alex G has had on the music industry and the LGBTQ community?
  5. How can we make the internet a more positive and supportive place for people to share their talents?


  1. Imagine you are writing a song about Alex G’s journey. What would the lyrics be about?
  2. Design a social media campaign to promote Alex G’s music to a new audience.
  3. Create a presentation about the importance of LGBTQ representation in the music industry.
  4. Write a short story about a young person who is inspired by Alex G to share their own talents.
  5. Develop a plan to make the internet a safer and more inclusive space for everyone.

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