A vibrant, artistic illustration of a smiling woman with a retro style, stained with colorful splashes, featuring the text "PINK" and "today's the day" in bold letters.

Pink – Today’s The day

Lyrics on Genius.com

[Man] 0:00:00
Learning English is hard, right? But you know, music can help you. Music is fun. And today, we’re going to help you understand a song. It’s a song by Pink. It’s called Today’s the Day.

[Woman] 0:00:13
Yes. Music is fun. And music can help you learn new words.

[Man] 0:00:16
Yeah. So this song that we’re looking at today, it’s about feeling happy and the singer wants to enjoy today.

[Woman] 0:00:23
Yes. That’s right. In the song, she’s tired and she is bored×「bored」は「退屈している」という意味で、人が退屈を感じている状態を表します。一方、「boring」は「退屈な」という意味で、物事が退屈であることを表します。例えば、「I'm bored.」(私は退屈している)のように人が主語になる場合は「bored」を使い、「This movie is boring.」(この映画は退屈だ)のように物事が主語になる場合は「boring」を使います。. She wants to have fun.

[Man] 0:00:28
Okay, let’s take a look at the first verse. It starts, it’s all mundane×「mundane」は「平凡な」「ありふれた」「つまらない」という意味です。 to me. Mundane means boring×「boring」は「退屈な」という意味で、物事が退屈であることを表します。一方、「bored」は「退屈している」という意味で、人が退屈を感じている状態を表します。例えば、「I'm bored.」(私は退屈している)のように人が主語になる場合は「bored」を使い、「This movie is boring.」(この映画は退屈だ)のように物事が主語になる場合は「boring」を使います。.

[Woman] 0:00:35
Yes. Everything is boring. There’s nothing new. The singer wants something new.

[Man] 0:00:40
And then she says, this box I’ve painted pains me. It means she feels trapped×「trapped」は「閉じ込められた」「罠にかかった」という意味です。ここでは比喩的に、現状から抜け出せない状況を表しています。, like she’s in a box.

[Woman] 0:00:47
Right. This is a metaphor×「metaphor」は「比喩」のことです。比喩とは、あるものを別のものになぞらえて表現することです。. She is not in a real box, of course. She feels trapped in her life. She wants to escape.

[Man] 0:00:53
Yeah, I see. And then she says, you can help me down the rabbit hole×「rabbit hole」は、不思議の国のアリスでアリスが落ちたウサギの穴のことです。そこから不思議な世界に迷い込んだことから、比喩的に「未知の世界への入り口」「思いがけない冒険」という意味で使われます。 with you. A rabbit hole is a place in a story. It’s a metaphor. It means a new adventure.

[Woman] 0:01:01
She wants to go on an adventure with a friend.

[Man] 0:01:03
Okay, so now let’s look at the chorus. She sings, today’s the day I’ve been waiting for. Tomorrow won’t come after all.

[Woman] 0:01:09
So what she means is she wants to enjoy today. She doesn’t want to wait. She wants to have fun right now.

[Man] 0:01:15
Yeah. And then she says, somebody please stop the clock. Don’t ever let×「let」は「~させる」という意味の使役動詞です。「let + 人 + 動詞の原形」で「人に~させる」という意味になります。この文では「Don't ever let this day stop.」で「この日が終わらないようにしてください。」という意味になります。「let」は許可を与えるという意味でも使われますが、この文脈では「させる」という意味で使われています。 this day stop. So like she wants to enjoy this feeling forever.

[Woman] 0:01:25
And she uses repetition×「repetition」は「繰り返し」のことです。同じ言葉を繰り返すことで、強調したり、印象づけたりすることができます。. She wants us to remember her message. She thinks this day is special.

[Man] 0:01:30
In the second verse she says, I used to×「used to + 動詞の原形」は「以前は~だった」「かつては~していた」という意味です。今はもうそうではない過去の習慣や状態を表します。
1. I used to live in Tokyo. (以前は東京に住んでいました。)
2. She used to play the piano. (彼女は以前ピアノを弾いていました。)
3. We used to go to the beach every summer. (私たちは毎夏ビーチに行っていました。)
want to grow up. I thought that I could be free.

[Woman] 0:01:35
Well, you know, many people think it’s good to be an adult, but sometimes it is hard×この文脈での「hard」は「難しい」「大変な」という意味です。「difficult」と同じ意味で使われています。.

[Man] 0:01:40
Right. But then she says, but now I’m realizing×「realizing」は「気づく」「悟る」という意味です。「realize」のing形です。
1. I'm realizing that I made a mistake. (自分が間違っていたことに気づいています。)
2. She's realizing her dream. (彼女は夢を実現しつつあります。)
it’s cool. It ain’t× for me. Which means she doesn’t want to be an adult.

[Woman] 0:01:49
Yes. She’s happy to be young. She wants to have fun.

[Man] 0:01:52
Exactly. And then she says she gets vicious×「vicious」は「悪意のある」「意地の悪い」という意味ですが、ここでは「怒りっぽい」「機嫌が悪い」という意味で使われています。 when she doesn’t feel delicious. And vicious means angry.

[Woman] 0:01:57
And delicious means good. So she wants to feel good. She wants to be happy.

[Man] 0:02:01
And then she says, I just need a friend. She wants to share her happiness.

[Woman] 0:02:04
It is good to share your happiness with friends.

[Man] 0:02:06
She says, so much to carry. These days are kind of scary. So she means life is hard. Sometimes we need help.

[Woman] 0:02:13
Yes, we all need help sometimes.

[Man] 0:02:16
And then she sings the chorus again. She repeats the words. She wants us to remember. We need to enjoy today.

[Woman] 0:02:24
Yes. Repetition is important. She wants us to remember.

[Man] 0:02:27
Now we’re at the bridge×音楽用語で「bridge(ブリッジ)」とは、曲の中で変化をつける部分のことです。多くの場合、歌詞やメロディーが変わります。. She sings, I’m going to say today’s my day. I’m going to say it’s going to go my way×「go one's way」は「~の思い通りにいく」「~の計画通りに進む」という意味です。ここでは「go my way」なので「私の思い通りにいく」という意味になります。. So I’ma×「I'ma」は「I'm going to」の短縮形です。話し言葉で使われます。 means I’m going to. She’s making a decision.

[Woman] 0:02:35
Right. She is strong. She wants to be happy. And she’s taking control×「take control」は「支配する」「制御する」という意味です。「take control of ...」で「...を支配する」という意味になります。ここでは「take control of her life」なので「自分の人生を自分でコントロールする」という意味になります。 of her life.

[Man] 0:02:42
Right. She is saying that she’ll be happy today. She won’t let anything×「won't let anything」は「何も~させない」という意味です。「won't」は「will not」の短縮形で、「let」は「~させる」という使役動詞です。ここでは「She won't let anything stop her.」で「彼女は何も自分を止めさせない」つまり「彼女はどんなことがあっても止めない」という意味になります。 stop her.

[Woman] 0:02:47
This is a powerful message. You can choose to be happy.

[Man] 0:02:51
And then, you guessed it×「you guessed it」は「あなたの予想通り」「ご名答」という意味です。相手が既に答えを分かっているだろうという想定で、何かを強調したり、確認したりする際に使われます。, she sings the chorus again. She is very excited. And she wants us to be excited too.

[Woman] 0:02:58
She repeats her message. Today is the day to be happy. This song has a good message. It’s a really happy song.

[Man] 0:03:03
Yeah, it is. So what do you think is the most important part of the song?

[Woman] 0:03:08
I think the chorus is very important. The singer, she wants us to focus on today. Yesterday is in the past. We can’t change it.

[Man] 0:03:15
Right. And tomorrow is in the future.

[Woman] 0:03:17
We don’t know about tomorrow. That’s right. So we need to enjoy today. Today is special.

[Man] 0:03:22
I like that.

[Woman] 0:03:23
Today is special. And the singer really wants us to remember this.

[Man] 0:03:27
I think this is a good song for English learners. You know, the words are pretty×「pretty」は通常「かわいい」「きれいな」という意味ですが、ここでは「かなり」「けっこう」という意味の副詞として使われています。 easy.

[Woman] 0:03:31
Yes, the words are easy. The message is simple. And it’s a fun song.

[Man] 0:03:35
Yeah, it’s a fun song to sing along to. And music can help you learn English.

[Woman] 0:03:40
Yes, you can learn new words. You can learn about grammar too.

[Man] 0:03:44
So do you think the singer is happy at the end of the song?

[Woman] 0:03:46
Yes, I think so. She, you know, she makes a choice. She decides she wants to be happy.

[Man] 0:03:51
Yeah, she’s strong. She doesn’t let the bad things control her.

[Woman] 0:03:55
That’s right. She controls her own happiness.

[Man] 0:03:57
In the song, she talks about a rabbit hole. What do you think that is?

[Woman] 0:04:00
Well, it’s a mystery. It’s a secret.

[Man] 0:04:03
It’s a metaphor×「metaphor(メタファー)」とは、比喩表現の一種です。あるものを別のものになぞらえることで、より分かりやすく、イメージ豊かに表現することができます。この場合、「rabbit hole」は「冒険」を意味するメタファーとして使われています。ウサギの穴に落ちると、まるで別世界に迷い込んだような不思議な体験をすることから、未知の世界への冒険を連想させる表現として使われています。. You know, it means adventure.

[Woman] 0:04:06
Maybe. Yeah. It means anything is possible.

[Man] 0:04:09
I like that. It’s a good message. So the song, it repeats the chorus a lot×「a lot」は「たくさん」という意味です。.

[Woman] 0:04:13
Yes, it does repeat the chorus. And repetition is very important in music.

[Man] 0:04:19
Yeah, it helps us remember. We remember the words and the message.

[Woman] 0:04:23
It makes the song catchy×「catchy」は「覚えやすい」「耳に残る」という意味です。音楽がキャッチーだと、何度も聴いたり、歌ったりしたくなります。 too. We want to sing it again and again.

[Man] 0:04:26
I like this song. It makes me feel happy.

[Woman] 0:04:28
Me too. So, do you think this song can help people learn English?

[Man] 0:04:33
Oh, absolutely×この文脈での「absolutely」は「完全に」「全く」という意味の副詞で、強い同意を表します。「ええ、全くその通りです。」という意味です。「absolute」は形容詞で「絶対的な」という意味ですが、「absolutely」は副詞として使われ、「完全に」「全く」「もちろん」といった意味になります。. It uses simple words and grammar.

[Woman] 0:04:37
Yeah, it’s good for beginners. And it teaches you about feelings. You can learn words about happiness.

[Man] 0:04:42
Yeah, it’s good to learn how to talk about your feelings in English. You know, like happy, sad, angry. We have many feelings.

[Woman] 0:04:52
Yes. So maybe you can even write your own song, a song about your feelings.

[Man] 0:04:58
That’s a great idea. You can use this song for ideas. So do you have any advice for English learners? How can they learn English from music?

[Woman] 0:05:07
Well, you need to choose a song you like. It’s more fun to learn with music you enjoy.

[Man] 0:05:12
Right. If you like the song, you listen to it a lot, you can learn all the words.

[Woman] 0:05:16
Exactly. Repetition is really good. It’s the key to learning. But you also need to read the lyrics too.

[Man] 0:05:20
Yeah, it’s good to read the lyrics when you listen. You can see the words.

[Woman] 0:05:23
It helps you understand them.

[Man] 0:05:25
Yeah. Sometimes, you know, it’s really hard to understand the words, especially×「especially」は「特に」という意味です。 with fast songs.

[Woman] 0:05:29
That’s true. So what do you do if you don’t understand a word?

[Man] 0:05:33
Well, you can use a dictionary.

[Woman] 0:05:34
A dictionary is helpful. It can tell you the meaning of the word.

[Man] 0:05:37
Or you can ask a teacher.

[Woman] 0:05:39
Or a friend.

[Man] 0:05:40
Learning English is more fun with friends. So this song, you know, it’s good for English learners, but it’s also good for everyone.

[Woman] 0:05:46
Yes, it is. It’s a good reminder. We need to enjoy today.

[Man] 0:05:50
Right. We can’t worry about yesterday. Yeah. And we can’t worry about tomorrow.

[Woman] 0:05:54
Yeah, it’s a good message. We should all be happy today. So what do you think our listeners can learn from this song?

[Man] 0:06:02
Well, you know, it’s okay to feel sad sometimes. Yeah. And it’s okay to feel bored. But we can choose to be happy.

[Woman] 0:06:10
Yeah, that’s right. You know, we can make today a good day.

[Man] 0:06:13
We can all be like Pink. She is strong and happy.

[Woman] 0:06:17
And you can find the song online. You can listen and sing along. Yeah.

[Man] 0:06:21
It’s a good practice for your English. So what other English songs do you like?

[Woman] 0:06:25
Maybe we can talk about another song next time. We can help you understand the words.

[Man] 0:06:29
Yeah, we can help you learn English. We hope you enjoyed this deep dive×「deep dive」は直訳すると「深く潜ること」ですが、ここでは「あるトピックについて詳しく掘り下げて学ぶこと」という意味です。ビジネスやアカデミックな場面でよく使われ、「Let's do a deep dive into...」(〜について詳しく見ていきましょう)というフレーズでよく登場します。.

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