2002 By Anne-Marie
[00:01.360 –> 00:03.540] Hey, everybody, and welcome to another deep dive×「deep dive」は「深く掘り下げる」「徹底的に調査する」という意味です。ここでは、「2002」という曲について深く掘り下げて議論することを表しています。.
[00:03.660 –> 00:04.540] Yeah, welcome.
[00:04.760 –> 00:07.440] So today we’re going super deep on a song you might know.
[00:07.560 –> 00:08.160] That’s right.
[00:08.340 –> 00:09.960] It’s called 2002.
[00:10.500 –> 00:12.020] 2002 by Anne-Marie.
[00:12.700 –> 00:13.780] Have you heard this one before?
[00:13.920 –> 00:14.940] Yeah, it’s a good one.
[00:15.260 –> 00:18.860] And before we jump in×「jump in」は直訳すると「飛び込む」ですが、ここでは「(何かを)始める」という意味で使います。, I just want to remind everyone listening that we know a lot of you
[00:18.860 –> 00:20.000] are learning English.
[00:20.060 –> 00:20.300] Right.
[00:20.300 –> 00:22.260] So we’re going to keep our language super simple today.
[00:22.460 –> 00:23.100] Simple English.
[00:23.420 –> 00:26.200] And if there are any words you don’t understand, don’t worry.
[00:26.300 –> 00:26.660] Yeah.
[00:26.700 –> 00:27.260] We’ll help you out×「help you out」は「あなたを助ける」という意味です。「help」よりもカジュアルな表現です。.
[00:27.360 –> 00:28.500] Yeah, we’ll explain everything.
[00:28.500 –> 00:31.400] So this song is about love and memories.
[00:31.620 –> 00:32.100] Yeah.
[00:32.220 –> 00:33.760] Memories are like×この「like」は「~のような」「~みたいな」という意味で、比喩として使われています。 pictures.
[00:33.800 –> 00:34.480] Oh, I like that.
[00:34.520 –> 00:35.280] In your mind×「mind」は「心」「頭」という意味です。「in your mind」で「あなたの心の中で」「頭の中で」という意味になります。.
[00:35.280 –> 00:37.400] You know, you see pictures in your mind.
[00:37.460 –> 00:37.720] Yeah.
[00:37.740 –> 00:41.820] So like, when you think back to×「think back to something」は「何かを振り返る」「何かを思い出す」という意味です。 something that happened, that’s a memory.
[00:42.200 –> 00:42.600] Yes.
[00:44.060 –> 00:44.280] OK.
[00:44.280 –> 00:49.680] So this song, 2002, it uses a lot of memories to tell a story about love.
[00:49.840 –> 00:50.260] Yeah.
[00:50.500 –> 00:51.780] And music is powerful.
[00:51.860 –> 00:52.220] Yeah.
[00:52.440 –> 00:54.220] Music helps us remember things×「helps us remember things」は「私たちが物事を覚えているのを助ける」という意味です。「help + 人 + 動詞の原形」で「人が~するのを助ける」という意味になります。.
[00:54.440 –> 00:55.000] For sure.
[00:55.080 –> 00:55.400] For sure.×「For sure.」は「確かにそうですね」という意味で、同意を表す表現です。
[00:55.440 –> 00:57.920] Sometimes we hear a song and we remember a time×この「time」は「時間」ではなく、「時」「時代」という意味です。.
[00:57.920 –> 00:58.260] Yes.
[00:58.440 –> 00:59.760] Or a person or a place.
[01:00.000 –> 01:00.500] It’s true.
[01:00.700 –> 01:01.960] I think everybody has that×この「that」は、前に出てきた「特定の曲を聞くと、特定の時代や人、場所を思い出す」ということを指しています。.
[01:02.100 –> 01:03.320] Those songs that take them right back×「take them right back」は「彼らをすぐに連れ戻す」という意味ですが、ここでは比喩的に「昔の記憶を鮮明に思い出させる」という意味で使われています。.
[01:03.400 –> 01:03.540] Yeah.
[01:03.540 –> 01:03.960] What about you?×「What about you?」は「How about you?」と同じ意味で、「あなたはどうですか?」という意味です。
[01:03.960 –> 01:04.700] Do you like music?
[01:04.900 –> 01:05.720] I love music.
[01:05.920 –> 01:06.660] What kind of music?×「kind」はここでは「種類」という意味です。「親切な」という意味ではありません。
[01:06.800 –> 01:07.340] All kinds.
[01:07.780 –> 01:08.220] Really?
[01:08.360 –> 01:08.580] Yeah.
[01:08.580 –> 01:10.820] I like music that makes me feel happy×「makes me feel happy」は「私を幸せな気分にさせる」という意味です。この文の「make」は「~させる」という意味で、make + 人 + 動詞の原形という形で使われます。.
[01:11.000 –> 01:11.380] Yeah.
[01:11.520 –> 01:12.240] Happy music.
[01:12.360 –> 01:12.620] Yeah.
[01:12.640 –> 01:14.320] And music that makes me feel sad.
[01:14.420 –> 01:14.860] Yeah.
[01:15.420 –> 01:15.880] It’s all good.
[01:16.040 –> 01:17.220] Sad music is good, too.
[01:17.280 –> 01:17.480] Yeah.
[01:17.480 –> 01:19.160] So let’s talk about this song, 2002.
[01:19.720 –> 01:20.140] OK.
[01:20.660 –> 01:26.700] So the singer, the girl, she’s remembering her first kiss.
[01:27.200 –> 01:27.660] Right.
[01:28.040 –> 01:30.680] And she says it felt light as a feather×「felt light as a feather」は「羽のように軽く感じた」という意味です。ここでは、初めてのキスの軽やかさを、羽の軽さに例えています。.
[01:32.100 –> 01:32.840] Light as a feather.
[01:33.000 –> 01:33.820] Light as a feather.
[01:34.120 –> 01:36.400] A feather is like×この「like」は「例えば」という意味です。「鳥には羽がある」という説明に具体例を加えています。「A feather is on a bird.」と言うこともできますが、「like」を挟むことで、鳥以外にも羽を持つ生き物がいることを示唆しています。 on a bird.
[01:36.420 –> 01:37.140] It’s part of a bird×「It's part of a bird.」は「それは鳥の一部です。」という意味です。.
[01:37.380 –> 01:38.200] A bird has feathers.
[01:38.200 –> 01:38.380] Yeah.
[01:38.660 –> 01:39.720] And feathers are very light×この「light」は「軽い」という意味で、「明るい」や「光」という意味ではありません。反対語は「heavy(重い)」です。.
[01:39.780 –> 01:40.280] Very light.
[01:40.340 –> 01:40.880] They float×「float」は「浮かぶ」という意味です。.
[01:40.960 –> 01:41.260] Yeah.
[01:41.280 –> 01:41.900] They’re not heavy.
[01:42.160 –> 01:42.460] No.
[01:42.600 –> 01:45.200] So she’s saying the kiss felt very light.
[01:45.240 –> 01:46.260] A gentle×「gentle」は「優しい」「穏やかな」という意味です。例えば、「gentle breeze(そよ風)」のように使います。 kiss.
[01:46.320 –> 01:46.580] Yeah.
[01:46.780 –> 01:47.340] Very nice.
[01:47.380 –> 01:47.600] Yeah.
[01:47.600 –> 01:49.720] And in the song, she’s 11 years old.
[01:49.980 –> 01:50.440] Eleven.
[01:50.580 –> 01:51.520] Which is pretty×「pretty」はここでは「かわいい」「きれい」という意味ではなく、「かなり」「けっこう」という意味の副詞として使われています。 young.
[01:51.620 –> 01:52.080] Young.
[01:52.340 –> 01:53.480] But she acts like×「acts like」は「~のように振る舞う」という意味です。 an adult.
[01:53.840 –> 01:55.380] She wants to be a grownup×「grownup」は「大人」という意味です。「adult」と同じ意味ですが、子供っぽい響きがあります。.
[01:55.380 –> 01:55.980] Yeah.
[01:55.980 –> 01:57.140] A grownup is an adult.
[01:57.320 –> 01:57.580] Yeah.
[01:57.660 –> 01:58.780] That’s another word for adult.
[01:58.900 –> 01:59.820] An older person.
[01:59.940 –> 02:00.180] Right.
[02:00.240 –> 02:01.260] And she wants to be older.
[02:01.540 –> 02:01.740] Yeah.
[02:01.740 –> 02:02.720] She wants to be like×この文の「like」は「~のように」という意味です。 a grownup.
[02:02.740 –> 02:03.740] She wants to grow up×「grow up」は「成長する」「大人になる」という意味です。 fast.
[02:04.080 –> 02:04.340] Yeah.
[02:04.620 –> 02:04.880] Yeah.
[02:04.880 –> 02:08.300] So there’s this part in the song where they’re in the woods×「woods」は「森」という意味です。複数形で使われることが多いです。.
[02:08.420 –> 02:09.040] In the woods.
[02:09.120 –> 02:10.000] Like outside of the trees.
[02:10.260 –> 02:11.460] And they’re dancing on a car.
[02:11.780 –> 02:12.820] Oh, yeah.
[02:14.080 –> 02:15.080] Have you ever danced on a car?
[02:15.140 –> 02:15.540] No.
[02:15.540 –> 02:15.780] No.
[02:16.020 –> 02:16.980] I haven’t either.
[02:17.680 –> 02:18.600] Maybe it’s dangerous.
[02:19.500 –> 02:20.640] Maybe it’s a bad idea.
[02:20.720 –> 02:21.700] It’s just×この文の「just」は「only」と同じ意味で、「ただ~だけ」という意味です。 in the song.
[02:22.080 –> 02:23.100] It’s just in the song.
[02:23.560 –> 02:25.300] But the car is a special car.
[02:25.420 –> 02:25.560] Yeah.
[02:25.560 –> 02:26.240] It’s a Mustang×「Mustang」はアメリカのフォード社が製造しているスポーツカーです。.
[02:26.240 –> 02:26.740] A Mustang.
[02:26.900 –> 02:28.600] It’s a very cool American car.
[02:28.700 –> 02:29.300] Very cool.
[02:29.420 –> 02:32.480] And they’re singing and they’re drinking from plastic cups.
[02:32.680 –> 02:33.360] Like at a party?
[02:33.760 –> 02:33.940] Yeah.
[02:33.940 –> 02:34.940] Like a party in the woods×「woods」は「森」という意味です。複数形で使われることが多いです。.
[02:35.020 –> 02:36.060] They’re having a good time.
[02:36.080 –> 02:36.740] They are happy.
[02:37.200 –> 02:37.460] Yeah.
[02:37.460 –> 02:42.480] And she keeps repeating×この文の「keeps」は「~し続ける」という意味です。例えば、「She keeps calling me.(彼女は私に電話し続けています。)」のように使います。 this line×「line」は詩や歌の「一行」のことです。, on the day we fell in love×「fall in love」は「恋に落ちる」という意味です。.
[02:43.600 –> 02:44.780] It’s a special day.
[02:44.800 –> 02:45.880] A very special day.
[02:45.940 –> 02:46.160] Yeah.
[02:46.180 –> 02:47.140] The day they fell in love.
[02:47.200 –> 02:47.380] Yeah.
[02:47.380 –> 02:49.600] And then the chorus×「chorus」は歌の「サビ」の部分です。 of the song, it’s really interesting.
[02:49.760 –> 02:50.200] Yeah.
[02:50.480 –> 02:52.880] She uses the names of other songs.
[02:53.680 –> 02:56.580] To kind of paint this picture of the year 2002.
[02:56.940 –> 02:57.860] Like a time capsule×「time capsule」は「タイムカプセル」です。過去の思い出の品などを入れ、未来に開けるために埋める容器です。.
[02:57.900 –> 02:58.340] Yes.
[02:58.760 –> 02:58.880] Exactly.
[02:59.040 –> 03:00.080] Songs from 2002.
[03:00.220 –> 03:00.460] Yeah.
[03:00.460 –> 03:02.400] So if you think back to 2002.
[03:02.680 –> 03:03.680] A long time ago.
[03:03.840 –> 03:04.060] Yeah.
[03:04.060 –> 03:05.540] What songs were popular then?
[03:05.780 –> 03:06.060] Yeah.
[03:06.060 –> 03:06.760] Think about it.
[03:06.880 –> 03:08.500] She mentioned×「mention」は「~について言及する」「~に触れる」という意味です。例えば、「She mentioned your name.(彼女はあなたの名前について言及しました。)」のように使います。 some of those songs in the chorus.
[03:08.640 –> 03:10.700] It helps you remember the year 2002.
[03:11.580 –> 03:11.860] Yeah.
[03:12.080 –> 03:15.460] So music can really take us back to×「take us back to」は、ここでは比喩的に「私たちを~に連れ戻す」という意味です。音楽によって、過去の特定の時代を思い出すことができる、ということを表現しています。 specific times.
[03:15.620 –> 03:16.060] Yeah.
[03:16.140 –> 03:16.920] Like×この場合の「like」は「例えば」という意味です。 in our lives.
[03:16.980 –> 03:17.700] What about you?
[03:17.960 –> 03:18.240] Yeah.
[03:18.340 –> 03:18.900] What about you?
[03:19.140 –> 03:21.000] Do you have special memories from when you were young?
[03:21.640 –> 03:22.120] Oh, yeah.
[03:22.120 –> 03:22.780] For sure.
[03:23.060 –> 03:24.040] Do you want to talk about it?
[03:24.480 –> 03:26.200] I don’t know if I want to share all my secrets×「I don't know if I want to share all my secrets.」は「秘密をすべて話したいかどうか分からない。」という意味です。「I don't want to share my secrets.(秘密を話したくない。)」よりも控えめな表現で、話したくない気持ちはそれほど強くないことを示唆しています。.
[03:26.500 –> 03:27.580] Oh, come on.×「Oh, come on.」は、相手が何かをためらっているときや、隠しているときに、「お願いだから」「本当のことを言ってよ」と促す表現です。
[03:27.640 –> 03:29.340] But I definitely have those songs.
[03:29.360 –> 03:29.740] Yeah.
[03:29.940 –> 03:31.080] That take me right back.
[03:31.320 –> 03:32.320] Music is powerful.
[03:32.460 –> 03:33.360] It is powerful.
[03:33.380 –> 03:34.440] It helps us remember.
[03:34.700 –> 03:35.040] Yeah.
[03:35.240 –> 03:37.040] So thank you for listening today.
[03:37.480 –> 03:38.360] Thanks for joining us.
[03:38.480 –> 03:39.940] We hope you learned something new.
[03:40.160 –> 03:40.460] Yeah.
[03:40.680 –> 03:43.000] And we hope you think about the song 2002.
[03:43.300 –> 03:43.700] Yeah.
[03:43.840 –> 03:46.540] And maybe it will help you remember some of your own special memories.
[03:46.740 –> 03:47.000] Yes.
[03:47.120 –> 03:48.140] Music and memories.
[03:48.440 –> 03:48.820] Awesome×この文脈での「Awesome」は「素晴らしい」という意味です。.
[03:49.200 –> 03:50.160] Well, thanks again everybody.
[03:50.600 –> 03:51.040] Bye.
[03:51.040 –> 03:51.820] We’ll see you next time.
[03:51.980 –> 03:52.560] See you later.
[03:52.900 –> 03:53.300] Bye.